The ClubFace Trainer is a golf training aid that helps you practice the swing by controlling the club face. Since the main purpose of any golf player, either beginner or professional is to improve their game, there appeared the need to introduce some dedicated products that are specially designed to help the player achieve that particular purpose. Therefore, training with this golf swing trainer is an advanced method that helps you acquire golf skills in an easy and fast manner, without the need to request the help of a personal trainer. To better understand how this golf tool works, we will present you how to use this golf swing trainer.

The Grip
The first thing you have to do is to place your hand on the club in order to take your grip. A proper grip is what gives you power in order to control the swing and hit the ball. The grip is colored in red, yellow and green and for a neutral grip, you have to place your left thumb on the yellow area by keeping the club more in the fingers rather than in the palm of the hand. Then, place the other hand on the grip and get into the swing position.
The Alignment
After establishing the neutral grip, you have to align the club in the right position with the help of the color-coded indicator box. This is indicated by the yellow color which will form a square clubface in the right alignment. In case you see the red color, the club face is open while the green color means that the club face is closed. Therefore, with the help of the orientation aid, you need to adjust the angle of the club face until you see yellow.
The Swing
During both the backswing and downswing key points you have to make sure you only see the yellow color because otherwise, your swing will be incorrect. So, pay attention to following the yellow color during the swing and in case you see red or green take the necessary adjustments to correctly execute all the positions. Once you get into the hitting area and you have to finish the golf swing, you will see the green color that will confirm you an accurate golf swing.
Repeat the Steps
As you can see, using this golf swing trainer is very easy due to the orientation aid that shows you how to properly keep your hands on the club and how to maintain the club face in an accurate position. So, after you learn the basics, repeat the swing and make sure you always follow the right color.
I highly recommend this golf swing trainer. It is a great training aid which provides a visual reference of the club face during the swing.
Hello! I want to buy a golf gadget that can help me improve my game. Will this swing trainer help me achieve my goal?
Hello, James! This is an incredible swing trainer that will teach you to keep your hands and the clubface in a proper position. It will eliminate unwanted hooks and slices, helping you control the ball and improve the game. Nice name by the way 😉
I have been using this practice aid for a while now, about three months to be precise. It has actually made a difference in the quality of my game and the accuracy of my hits, so I confidently recommend it to amateur golfers.